When we hear the phrase ‘Love Yourself’, immediate thought that comes to our mind is – you mean I should behave selfishly?

So, few questions to ask yourself (and answer honestly only to yourself) – Do you treat yourself with love? Are you good to yourself?

One may answer this question as ‘YES’, but if you take a moment to think & introspect, your answer would most likely be – not really.

We often miss our meals, we torture ourselves with negative, judgmental, depreciative thoughts about yourself, we blame & hate ourselves for our mistakes & sometimes for others’ mistakes too.

So, how do I love myself? Self-love is not something to be done in 1 or 2 days. It’s a lifelong process, it’s a way of living life. Loving self needs to be practiced & should be done as a daily routine.

Here are a few tips to adopt in your day-to-day lives for increasing your self-love.

 1.  Care for your body.

2. Connect with your inner being.

3. Respect your uniqueness.

4. Be grateful for what you have.

5. It’s ok to make mistakes. What is important is to learn from them & move on.

6. Don’t strive for perfection.

7. Tone down inner critic.

8. Observe your self-talk.

10. Keep a journal.

11. Decide to love yourself more.

There are many books, articles, courses to learn techniques & tips for loving yourself more, but anything of it will work only & only if YOU decide to love yourself more & be committed to it.

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