My Thoughts, My Life

Thoughts. The one thing that keeps happening inside our mind continuously. We think around 50000-70000 thousand thoughts a day, many of which are repetitive.


Scene 1: Leena was standing at railway station waiting for the local train to come. She looked at the watch & said, “The train is not coming, I am going to be late.” The train came late & she reached her destination late. Then she said to herself, “I was sure this was going to happen.”

Scene 2: Radha was standing in the ATM queue thinking, “The cash in the ATM machine should not get over before my number comes.” She went inside the ATM, put the card in the machine, entered the pin & the saw message on the screen ‘No cash’. Radha said to herself, “I knew this was going to happen.”


Scene 3: Akash was going for an important meeting & it was raining heavily. He thought while getting into the car, “Looks like the rain is not going to stop soon. There will be traffic on the road.” Soon, he found himself stuck in traffic jam. He said to himself. “I thought this will happen.”


We all must have encountered such incidences & used such phrases many a times in our lives. So, is it a mere coincidence that our thoughts & experiences are same? NO. This happens because our thoughts create our life. What we think results in how we feel & what we think also shapes the events in our lives. Our thoughts affect out behaviour, attitude, actions, people around us & our entire life.


YES. OUR THOUGHTS CREATE OUR REALITY. Each thought we have creates an energy flow within & around us. This energy attracts its likeness.

If I think I am going to be late, it is manifested & I get late. If I think my life is boring, I get evidences to prove my thoughts. If I think I will forget everything I studied for exam, I will get blank when I see even an easy question in exam. If I think I am unwell, more illness will come my way.

BUT….. If I think I am going to pass my exams with flying colours, I will remember & write all that I have studied. If I think I am blessed to have a happy life, I will get more reasons to be happy. If I think I am going to be at the meeting on time, I will manage to do so.

How to create the reality I want/wish/expect/desire?

Move your focus from what you don’t want to what you want.  We should be very clear about what we want. ‘I don’t want to be late’ can be thought in a better way as ‘I want to reach in time.

Feelings are indication of quality of thoughts.  Good thoughts = Good feelings. Bad thoughts = Bad feelings. Thoughts of fear, hurt, revenge, worthlessness, guilt lead to feelings of sadness, anxiety, negativity. Thoughts of success, hope, courage lead to feelings of happiness, kindness, confidence, gratitude.

Challenge your negative thoughts.  If you call yourself incompetent, look for incidences that prove you to be competent. Work on your beliefs related to this.

Monitor your thoughts, learn to actively take control of them. Learn to think thoughts that are positive.

Learn stress management techniques.   Unmanaged stress often leads to negative thoughts. Learning & using different relaxation techniques, exercising, practicing yoga & meditation can be helpful in keeping the mind calm & positive.

Learn to be grateful for what you have. Gratitude is one thing that works towards overall well-being of a person.

One of my favourite quote by Henry Ford to conclude ‘He who thinks he can and he who thinks he can’t, are both correct’.

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