Be true to yourself.

Be True To Yourself.

This one sentence can be life-changing. What do you mean by being true to yourself? We all have natural conscience, or sense of right or wrong. This conscience guides our behaviour. Many a times, religious beliefs, society norms, peers & contemporaries influence one’s ability to be conscientious. In such case, we fail to differentiate good from bad.


So, how to be back to being ourselves? How to be true to ourselves? First thing we need to do is challenge our current belief system. By doing this, our mind will learn to question why we are doing what we are doing. Secondly, we should learn to be assertive. We should be able to put forth our opinion politely but firmly. There is no power in aggression. Real power lies in assertiveness. Third & most important thing, we should follow our hearts. Our inner system keeps sending us signals as to what is right & what is wrong. But, by practice, we manage to quiet that inner voice & eventually we no longer hear it. We should let our inner voice, our heart guide us in every moment.

What will one achieve by being true to oneself? One basic yet very very important thing – peace of mind. You will no longer need other’s approval. You will feel comfortable & confident in your own skin. You will no longer need to lie, act or be fake. You will take full responsibility of your life, make better decisions, choices & in turn, a better life.

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